By leveraging the power of the Housing Tides™ online interface, industry stakeholders can easily understand the state of the market, including the opportunities and risks at hand.

Published May 28, 2020
One of Those Keys
Sometimes the keys to unlocking a way to accelerate your business, whether you produce something or provide a service, are before you in plain sight at no cost. Housing Tides™ with its information and data is one of those keys – free to access for early adopters. Housing Tides synthesizes housing market perspectives and predictions into one interactive interface, enabling efficient, data-based decisions.
Market Health Analysis Simplified
You can compare housing markets with the Housing Tides Index™. Aggregating economic and housing indicators from a variety of sources, the Index compares the health of the top 50+ U.S. housing markets. It scores each market's health, based upon 18 market indicators ranging from unemployment rates and housing permits to rental vacancy and mortgage foreclosure rates.

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Forecast Variables You Can Depend On
To prepare you for market change, Housing Tides also provides single- and multi-family housing permit forecasts for the top 50+ U.S. markets. You can gain a competitive advantage by seeing short-term permit forecasts with monthly resolution. By focusing on the short-term outlook for permit filings users gain nuanced detail when compared to competitors' multi-year forecasting.

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Say Goodbye to Housing News Overwhelm
Housing Tides' Media Analysis is a powerful tool helping you assess housing sentiment. Using cognitive computing powered by IBM Watson®, Housing Tides Media Analysis interprets the sentiment from over 500 curated U.S. housing news articles each month. Filters allow you to tailor media results to your region, review a time period, source, or keyword, and identify trending themes and topics to help you stay a step ahead.

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Your Competitive Advantage
What else do you have in your business that is in plain sight, yet you don’t see it? Something hidden by the noise of the ongoing struggle that can unlock the strengths of your company and help accelerate your growth. Assess your company’s assets and realign them to market conditions. What can you do that is really hard? Huddle with your key people frequently to ponder a new strategy that will be tough for your competitors to follow.
Dig in. Do the research. Housing Tides can help propel you past your competitors. In less than 5 minutes – see how Housing Tides can work for you in this short tutorial video and subscribe to the interactive interface – free to access for early adopters!
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About Jeff Whiton
Jeff formerly headed operations for Lennar and KB Home in Colorado building nearly two per cent of the state’s total single-family housing stock. He was honored as Colorado’s Home Builder of the Year in 2001. Whiton also served as the CEO of the Home Builders Association of Metro Denver for eight years reviving the association from near bankruptcy after the Great Recession.