Your Secret Ingredient to Building Better.
To meet our partners where they are and engage them in the journey of constructing the best possible buildings.
A world where all buildings are efficient, healthy, and resilient.
Our Core Values
Our core values are at the heart of how we work every day.
When any of us notice a team member exemplifying a core value, we give them a core value coin. At the end of each quarter, we count how many coins were given out and donate $5/coin to a local charity (capped at $500). We reach the donation cap nearly every month!
Some organizations we've supported:
All for One & One for All
We celebrate and respect the individual in a way that makes the whole of our team greater than the sum of its parts.
Build a Better Mousetrap
We find creative solutions to the challenges we face and the opportunities we see.
Chase Perfection
We never settle for reliable mediocrity.
Do the Right Thing
We do the right thing! Especially when it’s hard, even when no one is watching.
We bring it and we save it.
Our Journey
In 2006, Wynne Maggi, Steve Byers, and Robby Schwarz merged their energy services companies to form EnergyLogic.
Since then, we've grown to a 65+ person team serving builders all along Front Range Colorado. We're proud that we've stayed true to our focus: partnering with builders to ensure their buildings are efficient, healthy, and resilient. We're also proud of how we've challenged ourselves along the way. We've created solutions to improve our processes, supported other energy professionals, analyzed the housing market, and so much more.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller

EnergyLogic "Logicians" are some of the most adventurous, passionate, and creative people around!
Do you feel inspired by our work and culture? Check out current job openings!