What makes us the "secret ingredient to building better"?

Applied Building Science Expertise
- Extensively trained field team with the deepest bench in Colorado
- RESNET® certified professionals
- Wide range of energy program certifications & verifications
- Local experience since 2006
- HVAC and Quality Construction Inspection (QCI)
- Risk mitigation services

- Builder dashboard & DASH login
- Scenario modeling & cost analysis
- Housing Tides™
- QA Genie
- Founding member of EnergyPro Exchange (EPX)

Code Involvement
- Experience navigating Colorado's local energy code landscape since 2006
- Active contribution to code development and amendments
- Energy code guidance & consulting

Flexibility & Responsiveness
- Photo re-inspects
- Fix & proceeds
- Rater call in/call out at jobsite
- Dedicated team of logistics experts
- Management of builder utility rebates

- Field Fusion
- High-performance home sales & marketing training
- Sales and marketing support, resources & co-brandable materials
- RaterFest
- On-site training for builders and trades