Ashley Divine

Logistics & Customer Support
With EnergyLogic since September 2022
What is your favorite thing about your job?
Every day is something new, never a boring day and my coworkers are great!
What passions, talents, or interests do you bring to your position at EL?
Bringing my customer service background worked many years in the customer service field.

Do you have any unique hobbies/talents?
I can wiggle my ears and I am fearless when it comes to animals. they are my passion!
What is on the top of your current bucket list?
I want to travel to Greece, Israel, and Italy
Where have you lived?
Born and raised in Colorado. I'm a native
Who makes up your family?
I am a mom to two amazing boys. My husband and I are empty nesters with our 3 dogs Maverick, Tess and Rick