Bradley Bilbo

Training & QA Specialist
With EnergyLogic since May 2022
What passions, talents, or interests do you bring to your position at EL?
The ability to grow within a company that combines two thing I already loved learning about. Growing up with a father that worked in construction, I began developing a passion for it. That goes for our environment, as well. Being able to practically live outside while growing up has left an impact on me. This job is helping me make sure our future generations have a good sustainable ecosystem to explore.
What excites you about working at EnergyLogic?
I am most excited about the opportunities to grow within the EnergyLogic team. I feel like I have found a company that I can learn and advance within.
What is something people may be surprised to know about you?
I have always wanted to learn to play the violin, even though I have absolutely no musical experience.

What is on the top of your current bucket list?
How would you spend your perfect Saturday?
My perfect Saturday would be going fishing in the morning and coming home to boil a mess of crawfish, crabs, and shrimp or smoke a rack of ribs, then play a few rounds of cornhole and be in bed by 8.