Quinn Stedman

Energy Modeling Specialist
With EnergyLogic since July 2018
What excites you about working at EnergyLogic?
I really enjoy the fact that my job is very hands on and that my "office" is out in the field. I've had a desk job before and it's not my cup of tea. It's also great that everyone I work with is so welcoming - some of the most kind, helpful people I have met!
What is your favorite thing about your job?
I've always been so intrigued by building science and energy efficiency strategies to improve a home. I love the fact that we come into these homes to make a difference for the better. We better the environment, make the homeowner more comfortable and happy, and reduce the homeowner's energy bill.

What core value resonates with you the most and why?
How would you spend your perfect Saturday?
Do you have any unique hobbies?
What may people be surprised to learn about you?
I'm a very adventurous gal! I went skydiving on my 18th birthday, it was such a rush. I will never forget it!
What is on the top of your current bucket list?
If you went to college/trade school/etc, what and where did you study?