Quinn Stedman

Quinn Stedman

Energy Modeling Specialist

With EnergyLogic since July 2018

What excites you about working at EnergyLogic?

I really enjoy the fact that my job is very hands on and that my "office" is out in the field. I've had a desk job before and it's not my cup of tea. It's also great that everyone I work with is so welcoming - some of the most kind, helpful people I have met!

What is your favorite thing about your job?

I've always been so intrigued by building science and energy efficiency strategies to improve a home. I love the fact that we come into these homes to make a difference for the better. We better the environment, make the homeowner more comfortable and happy, and reduce the homeowner's energy bill.

Quinn Stedman - The EnergyLogic Team

What core value resonates with you the most and why?

There are two that stick out to me the most that I try to use in everyday life, not just at work. A, All for One and One for All, and D, Do the Right Thing. It's an awesome feeling knowing that you have so many individuals there to help you in any way they can.

How would you spend your perfect Saturday?

It definitely depends on the time of year, but I always say Sundays are for the mountains! Hiking, hooping, finding a cliff to jump off of in the summer, and snowboarding in the winter!

Do you have any unique hobbies?

I'm into flow arts, so I've been hula hooping for about 4 or 5 years now. I know, sounds silly, though I love the accomplished feeling of nailing a new trick! Turning on some of your favorite music and losing yourself to your flow is so relaxing.

What may people be surprised to learn about you?

I'm a very adventurous gal! I went skydiving on my 18th birthday, it was such a rush. I will never forget it!

What is on the top of your current bucket list?

I've always wanted to buy a van and make it my little home on wheels. First on my list would be traveling to visit quite a few national parks I've had my eye on.

If you went to college/trade school/etc, what and where did you study?

I graduated from a technical school in Aurora, CO in 2016, obtaining an Associates of Applied Science with a Residential Energy Management background.

Quinn Stedman with hulahoop
Quinn Stedman skydiving
Quinn Stedman hiking