Jeremy Hansen

EDC Program Manager
With EnergyLogic since July 2017
What is your favorite thing about your job?
Making houses better places to live.
What passions, talents, or interests do you bring to your position at EL?
A keen eye for detail.
Why did you apply to work at EnergyLogic?
I wanted a job where I could have independence and feel good about my day-to-day routine.
How would you describe your job as an Energy Modeling Specialist?
I work with builders to ensure the house they are going to build will be compliant with the IECC code and any programs they are pursuing before construction begins. This is done through plans review, 3D take-offs and modeling through software.

People may be surprised to know that...
I lived in South Korea for six years.
What are your favorite hobbies?
I'm a photographer on weekends.
If you went to college/trade school/etc, what and where did you study?
James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA
Major: Philosophy
Minor: Music Industry
Describe your perfect Saturday...
Hiking with my wife until the sun goes down.