HVAC Refrigerant Changes Coming

What HVAC Professionals Need to Know About Their Impact on Manual JDS and ENERGY STAR

Published January 13, 2025
The EPA Mandate: Phase-Out of R-410A Refrigerant
In 2025, the HVAC industry will be phasing out R -410A refrigerant and replacing it with more environmentally friendly refrigerant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This change is mandated by the EPA effective January 1, 2025, and will significantly impact HVAC Design and ENERGY STAR compliance.
Impact on HVAC System Design and Performance
Here are things to know:
HVAC condenser/coil/air handler model numbers will change to distinguish the new refrigerant in the system.
The performance of the HVAC system will change based on the new refrigerant.
Existing system designs will need to be reviewed to ensure proper performance of the HVAC system and potential modifications to the Manual JDS to ensure houses meet the comfort and performance requirements.
At the very least, Manual JDS and ENERGY STAR Design Reports must be updated to reflect the new model numbers being installed.
Supporting Clients Through the Transition
EnergyLogic’s HVAC Design Team is reaching out to our existing clients to discuss and review this change's impact and ensure a plan is in place to limit any potential hiccups that will impact HERS energy modeling, building permit submittals, and ENERGY STAR compliance.
What Non-EnergyLogic Clients Should Do
If EnergyLogic is not your HVAC Designer but is your Energy Compliance verifier, we suggest you reach out to your designer and make sure they are prepared for and providing updated HVAC documents.