Opportunities to Reduce Water Consumption in New Construction Homes

With rising water costs, more prevalent and longer droughts, and lack of access to water as a limiter to growth water conservation is a key topic for Colorado.

Published June 21, 2023
Take the First Step on Your Water Conservation Journey
1. Install ENERGY STAR Appliances
ENERGY STAR labeled products are known for saving customers energy but they are also designed to save water in the process. ENERGY STAR clothes washer use 30% less water than a typical clothes washer for over 2,000 gallons in annual savings for a typical family1. ENERGY STAR dishwashers use less than 3.5 gallons of water per cycle and can save over 3,800 gallons over its lifetime compared to a typical dishwasher.2 Combined these appliances can provide significant energy and water savings to home buyers with minimal cost increases.
2. Structure Plumbing to Reduce Hot Water Waste
3. Limit Turf Area and Maximize Native or Adapted Plants
4. Install Smart Irrigation Equipment
5. Certify Homes Under the WaterSense Labeled Homes Program
The whole home WaterSense label provides a holistic approach to home water savings. At approximately more than 30% more efficient than a typical new home, a combination of water efficiency features work together to provide on average more than 50,000 gallons of water per year.6 EnergyLogic provides home labeling under the WaterSense program to provide 3rd party quality assurance on water savings. This label can prove to both future homeowners and municipalities that homes are design and constructed to save water.
Reach out to a business development manager at EnergyLogic to learn more about the WaterSense Labeled Homes.