COVID-19 Resource Center
EnergyLogic's COVID-19 Updates & Remote Inspection Protocols
We are rigorously following safety protocols and collaborating with our builder partners to keep working for as long as we are all able to safely do so.
Service Protocol
Remote Inspection Protocol Resources
Virtual Inspections Webinar - March 19, 2020
Remote Inspection Protocols for Building Code Departments - 2020
EnergyLogic has been utilizing video conference call technology since 2014 to provide remote quality assurance oversight of our RESNET® QA Delegates across the United States. As an industry leader in remote oversight, EnergyLogic has taken the RESNET approved protocols as a foundation and adapted them to the roles that building code inspectors and site superintendents would need for success.
This document shares the recommendations, best practices, and other helpful information that we have learned in our remote inspection experience.