Your partner in building better.
Since 2006, we've partnered with 100s of builders on over 50,000 homes and buildings.
We have the largest team of field experts in Colorado, with offices in Northern Colorado, Denver, Colorado Springs, Boulder, and beyond!
How can we join you in achieving your goals?
Energy Code Compliance
Why us?
Experience with Colorado energy code since 2006.
Example Services:
Comprehensive building analysis
Phase inspections
Energy software modeling
Why us?
We've certified more homes than any other Colorado providers.
Example Services:
Energy software modeling
Plans analysis
Multi-phase inspections
Program compliance
Advanced Energy Certifications & Programs
Why us?
We've won market leader awards since 2009!
Example Programs:
Indoor airPLUS™
LEED® for Homes
Third-Party Builder Risk
Why us?
We protect building professionals from costly construction mistakes and litigation risks.
Example Services:
Consistent Inspections
Timely Reporting
Actionable Data
Technical Guidance
Builder Rebates
Why us?
Our builders earn millions of dollars in rebates, every year!
Example Programs:
Xcel Energy®
Black Hills Energy
Colorado Springs Utilities
HVAC Design & Services
Why us?
Cost-effective design & analysis services.
Example Services:
ACCA manual J, D, and S
Duct leakage testing
System functional testing
HVAC quality inspection
EnergyLogic Design Consulting
Why us?
Our team of experienced problem-solvers tackle tough design, building science, and compliance issues.
Example Services:
Plans Anaysis & Modeling
HVAC Design Services
Subject-Matter Expertise
"When a builder is truly focused on the quality and energy efficiency of every home they build, EnergyLogic's testing provides a critical objective measurement of whole-house performance, helping us to ensure performance and continue to refine our product."
- Charles Manly, Keller Homes
Service area for energy inspections & certifications
The Front Range, from Cheyenne to Colorado Springs.
Including, but not limited to:
Fort Collins
Castle Rock
Colorado Springs
and more!
Please Note: Our service area is subject to change. Please contact us about your job to determine if it is within our current service area.