Builder Incentive Program Updates

Builder Incentive Program UpdatesArtboard 13x

They are a changing!

Builder Incentive Program UpdatesArtboard 13x

In our last newsletter, we discussed the Xcel Energy® New Homes program and how it is projected to be more difficult to obtain a builder incentive payment. This is due to updated modeling software and updated codes in jurisdictions up and down the front range.

Read blog post about changes in Xcel Energy New Homes program

We now want to inform you about changes in the Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) Builder Incentive Program. In 2018 the CSU program began by offering a $350 incentive payment for homes that received a 70 on the RESNET Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index scoring system. The primary change in 2019 is a starting builder incentive payment of $400 at a HERS Index of 65. In addition, Builders can receive $25 per point below 65, up to a maximum of $2,075 for HERS 0 (Zero), calculated before the inclusion of PV. In this way, a home that scored 60 on the HERS Index would receive $525 in builder incentives.

If the home also achieves certification from ENERGY STAR, the National Green Building Standard, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED for homes), or PassiveHouse, it could receive an additional $350 bonus payment. With Pikes Peak Regional Building Department’s recent move to the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code, EnergyStar labeling is quite attainable. For more information please contact us.

After you sign up as a participating builder with CSU, it’s easy to apply for your builder incentive payment. When your home is located within the CSU service territory, EnergyLogic’s reports are all you need for your claim! Please click here for program documentation and application.

Colorado Springs Utilities program documentation and application

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