Navigating Constant Change
We need to understand and adapt to the constantly moving targets in the building industry to stay on coarse during times of change.
Published January 30, 2023
Finding Our Footing for the Road Ahead
At times it feels like the day-to-day disruption is never-ending. If stuff would slow down for a while so we could get our feet underneath us, we could plan and prepare for the onslaught of change we have to deal with. It does not appear that is going to happen in our industry. Codes, programs, building materials, and techniques are constantly moving targets we all need to understand and incorporate into our businesses. Maybe it is time to embrace these changes as opportunities to learn and grow.
The 2021 IECC
Making Sense of Tax Code
The all-electric movement is happening. There will be many debates and discussions regarding the pros and cons of moving housing energy use to an all-electric platform. No matter the opinions, an increase in community requirements, rebates, incentives, and programs for all-electric construction is moving forward. Decarbonization is needed across all industries, and the built environment will be heavily engaged in leading that change.
EnergyLogic Can Be Your Guide
One constant since the beginning of time is change. However, the fear of change is also a constant. This, of course, applies to the building and sustainability industry. EnergyLogic embraces these changes and is ready to help our partners navigate the challenges and opportunities coming in 2023 and beyond.