Panelized Construction Moves Into New Territory

New materials and methods make high performance construction easier and more cost effective for builders.

Published August 31, 2023
An Old Dog with New Tricks
Panelized construction has been an available solution to speed up construction and provide increased quality control for above grade walls for decades. But, newer solutions are bringing panelized construction to basements and crawlspaces. Epitome Foundation Composite Panels, manufactured by Composite Panel Systems in Eagle River, Wisconsin, are an innovative solution now available for concrete free panelized foundation and crawlspace walls.
Why All the Hype?
After seeing these panels being specified for a custom home project in Frisco, Colorado, the team at EnergyLogic dove headfirst into learning more about this product and its advantages compared to a traditional poured concrete foundation wall. Here is what we learned:
- Built in dampproofing. The foam and fiberglass composite foundations panels have built in waterproofing and only require installation of waterproofing at the joints on site.
- Fast foundation construction that isn’t weather dependent. Composite Panel Systems estimates that 180 lf of foundation wall can be installed in approximately 2 hrs and can be set in all-weather conditions unlike concrete.
- High R-value. Manufactured from foam and fiberglass the product has a continuous R-value of R-16.5 along with built in ribs that allow for additional batt insulation in the wall making it easy to beef up foundation insulation compared to traditional construction methods.
- Reduced embodied carbon. Concrete foundations can be one of the largest sources for embodied carbon in traditional new construction alternatives like Epitome allow for the reduction or elimination of concrete in the home.
- Utilizes commonly available materials for installation. Composite Panel Systems has specified readily available screws, waterproofing, and structural attachements that can be easily purchased at any lumber yard or big box store.
- Listed product for easy code compliance. Like many newer materials, code officials, engineers, and builders may be nervous about the structural performance of the system. ESR reports from ICC provide verified information about load capacity, installation methodology, and code compliance.