The Politics of ESG and Homebuilding

What is the driving force behind the ESG and what does it mean for our partners?

Published March 28, 2023

The ESG Hot Button

Unless you’re living under a rock, you are aware of the latest chapter in the culture wars revolving around the term ESG. Let’s start at the place of understanding what ESG really is, that is, what it was initially designed to do and not what the public understanding of what it is or why it’s become a convenient political football. ESG was designed by people wanting to understand and quantify the risk to the investments that they oversee. These are not people who care in any way about either side of the current popular culture debate. They cared, and still care, about one thing – money.

A Very Personal POV

There are many reasons to believe that the ESG train has left the station and that efforts to stop it will likely only slow it down or potentially backfire and speed the train up. For our part, at EnergyLogic, we care about the E. We care about the environment. We’ve never been shy about that. It’s not something we believe we need to force upon anyone. It’s the core of our mission. In that, our work is to help our builders find the best return on their investment in building homes that use less energy, are more sustainable, more resilient, and healthier for the buyers that are your customers. The mix of these things is something builders must determine best fits their customers and company needs. We recognize and strive to factor that into our work with you.

Good for Our Builder Partners

We believe that attention paid to the E, in the form of efficiency and sustainability, is in the interest of each of our builder partners. The mix of it, and how far you push is up to each of you. But we firmly believe that builders who pay attention to it are both doing the right thing for their companies and being part of the solution for all of us.

About the Author
Steve Byers

Steve Byers

Steve Byers is EnergyLogic's CEO and co-founder. Read more about Steve here.

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