2020 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award!

Exemplifying our continued commitment to excellence as we celebrate a decade of ENERGY STAR awards!

We’re honored to receive the 2020 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award!
The pursuit to fulfill our vision and mission is everlasting as we continue day in and day out to advance our passions alongside our partners and affiliates.
Since 2009, the ENERGY STAR program has remained one of our passions. We are honored to win our 12th ENERGY STAR award as we receive the 2020 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence Award. Over a decade of recognition affirms that our work makes a difference in our environment, in the industry, and most importantly, in the lives of people who live in efficient, healthy, and resilient homes.
In celebration, here is an outline of our proudest contributions to ENERGY STAR in 2019:
- We verified 1,709 ENERGY STAR certified homes in 2019 for a cumulative total of 37,855 ENERGY STAR certified homes verified since 2006.
- We inspected more than 5,000 homes in 2019 for code or program compliance, quality assurance, and builder risk with 21% of total inspection work completed for ENERGY STAR requirements.
- We worked with 34 Rater Partners who verified 190 of EnergyLogic’s 1,709 ENERGY STAR certified homes in 2019. We helped implement ENERGY STAR community-wide standards by developing and vetting an on-going dialogue to help grow the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Program.
- We engaged and trained national production builders and several regional builders on ENERGY STAR’s requirements and sales strategies.
- We continue to integrate the QA GenieLite software into our internal and external quality assurance programs to ensure the quality of the RESNET® HERS Index verification, which is critical to the certification of ENERGY STAR homes.
- We presented on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at local and national meetings.
Recruitment & Retention Efforts
In 2019, two of our Metro Denver builder partners achieved substantial growth in their ENERGY STAR certification rate! One saw a 115% increase while the other saw an 88% increase compared to final certification totals in the prior year.
- We recruited 6 builder partners to implement and/or increase their level of commitment to ENERGY STAR certifications.
How We Implemented Innovative Quality Assurance Approaches
- Through a broad range of growing partnerships across the country, EnergyLogic has adopted remote ENERGY STAR QA Project Support to efficiently provide timely insights. This support is often provided via conference calls, webinars, and emails to communicate industry changes and updates specific to ENERGY STAR processes.
- EnergyLogic's policy is to support 100% quality control file review of all HERS rating software files by using QA GenieLite software to ensure “above and beyond RESNET® minimum standard” quality assurance practices. We also utilize QA GenieLite to review all rating files within our providership to help quickly uncover mistakes and identify problem trends.
- By attending EnergyLogic’s annual RaterFest! conference, energy professionals earn a total of 18 credit hours of continuing education (CEUs), far exceeding RESNET® professional development requirements.
How We Assisted with Homebuyer Education
- In collaboration with local Home Builder Associations across the Front Range, we presented three educational sessions on the topic of High-Performance Home Sales and Marketing, including ENERGY STAR resources to over 40 industry professionals.
- We presented High-Performance Home Sales and Marketing trainings to five individual builder partners, presenting cumulatively to over 30 sales and marketing professionals.
- Our website has a dedicated ENERGY STAR page emphasizing the home-buyer market preferences for efficiency. These website resources help builder partners and home-buyers to choose a program that they recognize and trust.
- We provide partner exclusive co-brandable ENERGY STAR and associated environmental program resources through one convenient online source.
How We Demonstrated Industry Leadership with ENERGY STAR
- We consistently demonstrate the link between code-compliance and ENERGY STAR. We do this through industry partner support and collaboration on programs such as; RESNET®, The Energy and Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA), RESNET® HERS builder incentive programs, green homes, and various local utility entities. Our goal is to help our partners achieve a deeper level of understanding of what it means for homes to earn the ENERGY STAR label.
- We continue to educate, share, and encourage our partners to take advantage of new, and/or updated ENERGY STAR compliance requirement documents and resources to ensure programmatic changes are easy to adopt.
- We strive to help our partners maintain commitment to the ENERGY STAR program in the face of market fluctuations and challenges, ensuring that builders are promptly informed of changes in utility incentive programs.
- We are an annual participant of the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Stakeholder Meeting, as well as consistent participants in various ENERGY STAR program update discussions.
Standing ovation and round of applause
It’s true that we’re one company, but it takes smaller teams of experts to move things forward, many tribes, one nation. Every EnergyLogic Logician lives out our vision and mission with passion and dedication toward energy-efficient living.
We give a heartfelt congratulations from EnergyLogic to all 2020 ENERGY STAR award winners whose commitment has helped to foster a broad level of understanding of what it means for homes to earn the ENERGY STAR label.