Gauging Interest in 3D Duct Design

Enhancing HVAC Design Consistency and Quality with EnergyLogic’s Expertise: From Detailed Design to On-Site Verification

Published October 30, 2024
Establishing Quality and Consistency
EnergyLogic launched our HVAC Design Services years ago to address the issue of providing consistent quality HVAC designs. This allows builders to be confident designs are done well, provide a single design for competitive bidding to HVAC installers, and consolidate the code/ENERGY STAR documentation into a single source. We have come a long way in developing and improving our expertise. We are very confident in the quality of work our current team delivers for production and custom homes.
Bridging the Gap
One aspect of the HVAC design/installation process that is surprising and leads to potential issues is that there is no code requirement to compare the duct design (Manual D) to the actual installation. Some jurisdictions may do this, but it is few and far between. EnergyLogic provides an inspection service we call HVAC Quality Installation Inspection to address this disconnect. Whether or not you use EnergyLogic for your HVAC designs, we can perform this service.
Exploring 3D Tools for Accurate HVAC Installation
One of the challenges of ensuring the installation matches the design is deciphering what the Manual D tells us. Anyone who has looked at a 2D Manual D understands that the lines, squiggles, and notes often make little sense if they are not trained. Wrightsoft, the software program that generates Manual JDS, has an extra module that generates 3D designs, which makes it much simpler to verify the design to the installation. EnergyLogic is evaluating if the improved image would be valuable to builders concerned about or frustrated with warranty issues from installation that ignore the design.
Investing in Innovation
We would be very interested to discuss if you would value this. Of course, this module adds costs and requires additional training from our HVAC Design Team. But EnergyLogic prides itself on providing higher value and cutting-edge technology that makes building high-quality, high-performing homes a little bit easier for our partners.