Curtis DeRemer

ControllerWith EnergyLogic since September 2024What passions, talents, or interests do you bring to your position at EL?I enjoy mysteries, it’s probably the genre I read most, and that flows into what I do and who I am. I try to read about a book a week, just like Harry Truman, which makes me a decent hand at trivia, and also … Read More

Wynne Maggi

Wynne Maggi, President & Chief Culture Officer with EnergyLogic since 2006. It’s exciting to have a hand in making the sort of work-world I believe in.

Laurie Hindman

Laurie Hindman - The EnergyLogic Team

Laurie Hindman, People & Culture Director with EnergyLogic since 2009. We attract people with different backgrounds & perspectives, but similar values.

Kathleen Henning

Kathleen Henning - The EnergyLogic Team

Kathleen Henning, Information, Intelligence, & Insight Director with EnergyLogic since 2006. I love the work I do, from deep thinking to helping customers.

Steve Eagleburger

Steve Eagleburger - The EnergyLogic Team

Steve Eagleburger, Director of Field Services with EnergyLogic since 2010. I like that we are a model of personal, social & corporate responsibility.

Steve Byers

Steve Byers, Co-Founder & CEO with EnergyLogic since 2006. I work with the most committed and creative people imaginable doing good work in the world.

Rusty Buick

Rusty Buick - EnergyLogic Team

Rusty Buick, Director of Business Development with EnergyLogic since 2013. I love sharing the value of building high-performing, energy-efficient homes.