Introducing Our New Energy Compliance & Building Science Experts

EnergyLogic has added Field Operations Area Managers for Improved Quality and Consistency.

Published January 31, 2023
Leading the Way
EnergyLogic inspects over 5000 houses per year, verifying numerous codes and programs. With each jurisdiction adopting and amending different energy codes combined with tracking ENERGY STAR, Indoor airPLUS, Zero Energy Ready, detached, attached, prescriptive, performance, etc., it can be overwhelming to keep them all straight. Our goal is to provide consistent information and building science knowledge for our partners. However, sometimes this can be a daunting task.
To improve our field quality and consistency, we created the Field Operations Area Manager position. The FOAM will train and mentor our field team to ensure consistency and quality in our inspections and testing processes. They will also work closely with our partner's field teams to resolve issues and be a source of information on energy compliance and building science.
Get to Know Your FOAM
As of January 2023, our most experienced and knowledgeable Team Leads were promoted to Field Operations Area Manager:
Dan Brunet
Metro Denver
Quinn Stedman
Metro Denver
Stephen Turnbo
Southern Colorado
Greydon Studer
Northern Colorado
As we launch this program, our new FOAMs will be available to resolve issues and address challenges that arise from the energy compliance process.