Excellence in Housing – NHQA

Excellence in Housing NHQA

National Housing Quality Award (NHQA) is the “gold standard” for recognizing exceptional, results-driven performance of a home building operation, from strategic planning, financial reporting, and management to construction quality, trade relations, human resources and customer satisfaction.

Builder Incentive Program Updates

Builder Incentive Program UpdatesArtboard 13x

We now want to inform you about changes in the Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) Builder Incentive Program. In 2018 the CSU program began by offering a $350 incentive payment for homes that received a 70 on the RESNET Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index scoring system.

ENERGY STAR® Revision 9

ENERGY STAR Revision 9 Blog image

Now is the time to make sure you are utilizing the Revision 9 checklists. Per ENERGY STAR compliance requirements, any home permitted after January 1st, 2019 must comply with all Revision 9 programmatic changes.

Building Homes to Meet Blower Door Requirements

2012 and 2015 air Infiltration requirement

Buyers of new homes expect their houses to be energy-efficient and comfortable, while also decreasing their costs on utility bills. EnergyLogic has not met a builder yet who does not claim to build a home that delivers on that promise. But how do you know how a house will perform if you do not measure the items which affect performance and comfort?