Improvements and Updates to our Energy Design Consulting Team

EnergyLogic's EDC Team helps partners navigate codes, rebates, and more.

Published October 30, 2023

Don't Go It Alone

As many of our builder partners are experiencing, energy codes, programs, and tax credits are becoming more complex. Keeping track of the changes to codes and programs is nearly impossible for a builder who must deal with many other building requirements and challenges. The importance of working with a high-quality energy compliance firm, from project planning to completion, is more beneficial than ever.   

Considering these changes, EnergyLogic has prioritized and invested in our Energy Design Consulting Team (EDC) to deliver more in-depth and beneficial information to our partners. The days of cranking out generic batches of HERS models for building permit compliance have ended. Most projects require understanding the client's goals and balancing them with the regulatory requirements. This involves a much higher level of communication and back-and-forth between EnergyLogic and the builder to ensure the builder specifies materials that meet requirements.   

Meet the Team

The EDC Team includes energy modeling, HVAC design, and sustainability program services.  Our EnergyLogic Energy Design Consulting Team is led by Aaron Scott, who has been with us for over ten years, with experience in fieldwork, field testing, project management, and operational management. Aaron has more certifications than can be listed here.  Jeremy Hansen is our EDC Program Manager and Peter Oberhammer is our energy modeling and code technical expert. Our energy modeling team consists of a team of five and seems to be growing every day. The HVAC Design Team is led by Aaryn Jackson and supported by our HVAC Specialist, Scott Bracken, and two additional designers. The sustainability team provides guidance to achieve LEED, National Green Building Standard (NGBS), Enterprise Green Communities (EGC), and PHIUS certification.  Trevor Donnelly, Residential Sustainability Program Manager, and Mati Stamatiou, Sustainability Project Manager, provide Residential and Commercial services across the country and some international locations. 

We'll Help You Find More Time & More Money

EnergyLogic is committed to providing the highest level of analysis, insights, and information to help our partners meet their energy efficiency and sustainability goals. As the world changes under our feet, we will continue to focus on being your go-to resource for energy codes, programs, rebates, and incentives. In addition to helping find an efficient way to meet the energy codes, our Energy Design Consulting Team may also help you find a few dollars in rebates and tax credits to combat the ever-increasing cost of being a builder.   

About the Author
Rusty Buick

Rusty Buick

Rusty Buick is EnergyLogic's Director of Business Development. As a former general contractor specializing in high-performing homes, Rusty loves helping builders appreciate the value of building high-performing, energy-efficient homes for their clients and for future generations. Learn more about Rusty!

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