Goodbye to Guarded Blower Door Testing

Guarded Blower Door Testing

Standards are changing. How will you pass your next blower door test? Find out what is, and is not, allowed moving forward. Published April 26, 2021Compliance Methods Have Changed RESNET has adopted ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2019 for homes permitted after April 1, 2021. The standard states specifically in section that “Pressures shall be induced only via a Blower Door (or Blower Doors) … Read More

Homebuilders’ Carbon Moment

It's time for homebuilders to lead sustainability

Sustainable building is one of homebuilders’ greatest, but largely unseized, opportunities. Will builders take the opportunity to lead?

45L Federal Builder Tax Credit

45L Federal Tax Credit

EnergyLogic can perform a 45L Federal Builder Tax Credit analysis to identify improvement paths to increase your homes’ eligibility.

2021 Builder Rebate Programs Update

Save energy and save money. Incentive programs made for builders.

Front Range utility providers expand and improve builder rebate programs in 2021 to incentivize the construction of energy-efficient homes.