Without foreclosure protections, could strong housing demand be short-lived?
Housing Tides’ Data Analyst evaluates delinquency, foreclosure, unemployment, and mortgage forbearance trends for big picture analysis.
Housing Tides’ Data Analyst evaluates delinquency, foreclosure, unemployment, and mortgage forbearance trends for big picture analysis.
Where are the for sale signs? Fresh housing data support supply reaches a new low as sales pick up with renewed economic activity.
For detailed background on housing’s role in dismantling systemic racism, I have found some valuable resources well worth reading. They will educate you to better understand what needs to be done to increase the rate of home-ownership among people of color and to provide attainable, affordable, barrier-free housing.
We dive into the geographical trends of COVID-19 cases in the country to get a better picture of the effects on housing markets in the coming months.
Curious what’s on the horizon for the U.S. housing market? Dive in to the data with Jonathan Scott!
Housing Tides’ Jeff Whiton and Steve Byers continue the discussion to further explore income inequality and its effects on housing attainability.
Housing Tides’ newest blog series introduces an opportunity to root for fixing a broken system. A “W”-shaped housing recovery starts with a “V”.
Housing Tides’ newest economic housing data identifies the obstacles and waypoints toward the U.S. housing market recovery.
Leverage the power of Housing Tides™ to easily understand the market, unlock the strengths of your company, and accelerate your business growth.
The shape of the U.S. housing recovery largely depends on the near future adoption of job site and public health policies.